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“I never actually had sex on the piers,” he says with a sheepish laugh. Weinberg is also an avid painter, and during the day he’d cross the highway and paint the crumbling warehouses. “But I came out when I was 19, so summers during college we’d hit the bars on Christopher Street and then go out to the piers.” On warm nights, the waterfront was the place to meet up with friends-and tricks. “When I was a teenager it never penetrated my brain that I was in the midst of this big gay world,” he tells NewNowNext. His mother worked at the New School, and the West Village of the 1970s was his milieu. Collection of the LGBT Community Center National History Archive.Ī professor at the Yale School of Art, Weinberg grew up in New York. Leonard Fink Leonard Fink, Self-Portrait, Cat Walk, Pier 46, 1979.

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