Young gay men wrestling in a ring

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But even though the announcement was a big work, WWE has to be credited with handling it in a dignified manner. Dave Meltzer has since confirmed our suspicions that Young's move was indeed orchestrated by WWE and Irv Muchnick claimed that WWE had to settle for the story being published by TMZ when other more highbrow media outlets weren't interested in the exclusive. Of course, that narrative is as phony as the ' reality' WWE has been serving up on Total Divas for the past four weeks.

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WWE sources then leaked to TMZ that his boyfriend of two years that he's deeply in love with was the driving force behind his decision to be open about his sexuality. He got the red carpet treatment at the Be A STAR anti-bullying rally that coincidentally was held the day after his coming out party. Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, John Cena, Titus O'Neil and many other WWE superstars rushed to publicly congratulate his courage at such a sudden, shocking revelation of raw honesty. A TMZ reporter just happened to strike gossip gold by asking Darren Young about his thoughts on homosexuality within wrestling and he out of the blue came out as being gay and claimed to be very happy with his life as a WWE performer. WWE executed quite the publicity stunt this week.

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